Beading with World Beads

Beautiful Jewelry, Simple Techniques By: Ray Hemachandra  Five of Sherry’s original jewelry designs are featured in this book, along with helpful, detailed instruction for creating your own work based on the original. This book focuses on unique beads from around the world as the primary materials used.


Explore a world of beads! The newest entry in Lark’s popular Beading with…series goes international and multicultural, with more than 30 dazzling jewelry projects that showcase popular “tribal” and “ethnic” beads. As with the other books in the series, this lavishly illustrated volume offers an introduction to scores of different beads, illustrates all the basic techniques, and presents both beginner and intermediate projects from a pool of talented designers. The one-of-a kind pieces range from Jean Campbell’s jangly Milagros Charm Bracelet to Elizabeth Glass Geltman and Rachel Geltman’s porcelain-beaded “A New Chinese Twist”—with stops in India, Africa, and many other countries along the way.